Hi everyone x
It's not, it wasn't and it will not be good. I have lost my friends, my grandfather and even my peace. In Poland, perhaps it was scary, but I felt much more safe and I had friends, who always supported me. I have always dreamed of a good friend, but it never came true. Since I live in England I feel more anxious and sad. I don't know, maybe it's a part of growing up or maybe not, but I don't feel good about it. Sometimes I wonder how would my life look like in Poland. I don't think it would be the same. The only reason why I moved to England is my mum. She spend most of her life here, so I am not surprise why she didn't want to go back. Living with my grandmother wasn't exactly good.However, I see a lot of positive things in my environment. I am really happy that I became independent and brave. Nothing special, but for me it's a lot. Although, the beginning was difficult. I pretended that I am strong. I just wanted to show everyone that I can start again. Everyone laughed and said that I won't last here, but I did. Even if it gave me a lot of pain. I am strong to talk about this. It's not easy to talk about feelings, but I decide to put this on this blog and show that life is not always colorful. I am sure that in the world is more than one person, who has or had a hard time in life.
It's not, it wasn't and it will not be good. I have lost my friends, my grandfather and even my peace. In Poland, perhaps it was scary, but I felt much more safe and I had friends, who always supported me. I have always dreamed of a good friend, but it never came true. Since I live in England I feel more anxious and sad. I don't know, maybe it's a part of growing up or maybe not, but I don't feel good about it. Sometimes I wonder how would my life look like in Poland. I don't think it would be the same. The only reason why I moved to England is my mum. She spend most of her life here, so I am not surprise why she didn't want to go back. Living with my grandmother wasn't exactly good.However, I see a lot of positive things in my environment. I am really happy that I became independent and brave. Nothing special, but for me it's a lot. Although, the beginning was difficult. I pretended that I am strong. I just wanted to show everyone that I can start again. Everyone laughed and said that I won't last here, but I did. Even if it gave me a lot of pain. I am strong to talk about this. It's not easy to talk about feelings, but I decide to put this on this blog and show that life is not always colorful. I am sure that in the world is more than one person, who has or had a hard time in life.
"Remember how far you've come, not just how far you have to go"Lots of love
Kornelia x
(Thank you for reading.I hope you will comment)
Wierzę że dasz sobie radę kochana! :]
OdpowiedzUsuńKlikniesz w kliki w nowym poście będę wdzięczna ;*
Przez ostaatnie tygodnie było tylko gorze i gorzej. Pisanie mi pomaga więc mam nadzieję że mi się uda ! :) Dziękuje :)
UsuńOczywiście :) I nie ma sprawy :)
Dasz sobie radę, trzeba trylko uwierzyć. Powodzenia.
OdpowiedzUsuńZapraszam do nowego posu i klikania w poprzednim, za poklikanie oddaję dwa komentarze :)
Mam taką nadzieje :) Dziękuję :)
UsuńNie ma sprawy ! Zaraz poklikam :)
Nie łam się. Mimo że zmiany są ciężkie do zniesienia, nie znaczy, że nie wnoszą niczego dobrego do naszego życia.
OdpowiedzUsuńOsób, którym przydarzyły się złe rzeczy nie da się zliczyć. Praktycznie każdy z nas dostał kiedyś kopa w dupsko, bądź dostanie. Takie jest życie.
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Nie załamuj się. Wszystko będzie dobrze. Po pewnym czasie na pewno poczujesz się lepiej :) Trzymam kciuki
OdpowiedzUsuńPozdrawiam i powodzenia w dalszym blogowaniu ;)
współczuję kochana :( ale wierz mi po czasie wszystko się ułoży,wiem co mówię. Chociaż teraz jest ciężko,będzie lepiej "po burzy zawsze nadchodzi słonce" pamiętaj o tym i pisz jak najwięcej skoro Ci to pomaga
OdpowiedzUsuńtrzymam za Ciebie kciuki xx
Dziękuję :) Bardzo mi to pomaga ! :)
UsuńLudzie są mili do mnie, ale w szczególności tutaj.
Sadzę że znajdę tutaj gdzieś prawdziwego przyjaciela. :)
Dasz rade ;)
OdpowiedzUsuńpoklikasz u mnie ? moze wspolna obs ?zacznij i daj znac
Dasz sobię radę ,na pewno po czasie wszystko się ułoży
OdpowiedzUsuńMÓJ BLOG-KLIK
Znajdziesz sobie nowych przyjaciół ! Z tym z Polski będziesz mieć kontakt ;) Wszystko się ułoży :D
OdpowiedzUsuńZapraszam na mojego bloga --> Klik <--
Dasz rade kochana! :)