How to deal with being ill ?
Hi everyone! x
I am usually the person, who gets ill every five minutes. I don't like it. No-one likes to be ill, because you are tired, sleepy, your noise is red and you have a headache, ect. (That's how I feel for the last two days.) Obviously, you don't look too good and you don't feel too good. That's normal, so I came up with this post. Dealing with fever or other illnesses can be difficult.
- The most important thing for me when I am ill is my bed. I like to get my bed as comfortable as I can. You tired, maybe you have a headache. Sleep is the best for things like this. Keeping it warm and comfortable helps you as well.
- You have to drink a lot. It's important to stay hydrated. You don't have to drink only water. I don't like to drink a lot of water, but when I am ill I feel like I have to drink in order to get better. It's good that we actually have different drinks as well. I like to drink tea, hot chocolate or even coffee. (I love coffee.)
- If you are lying in your bed and you are bored, then you can watch a film, call your friend if she or he is not busy. I also like to read east books or listen to music, that makes me go to sleep easy.
- If you are ill don't go to school. It can get even worse. You will infect others and I am sure thay are not going to be happy about that. So, if you have a chance to stay at home, than stay.
- Take your medicine. This is also important, however you don't always have to take it. Sometimes just a short nap will help you.
Take care if you are ill :)
Lots of love x
(Thank you for reading and I hope you will comment. Have a good week.)
I am sorry that I didn't add a picture. Wi-fi problems.
I am sorry that I didn't add a picture. Wi-fi problems.
Cool look! Have a nice day :)
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ja lekarstw nie biorę bo uważam że domowe sposoby są lepsze:) co do picia dużo wody to z tym się zgadzam jednak czytanie i słuchanie muzyki to nie dla mnie podczas choroby :)
a mnie muzyka uzdrawia :)
OdpowiedzUsuńWidzę, że prowadzisz bardzo miły dla oka blog, świetna robota!
Może zaobserwujemy,by z łatwością do siebie wracać ?
Daj mi znać a ja szybciutko się odwdzięczę,
a póki co czekam z niecierpliwością na kolejne recenzje!
udanego dnia pełnego inspiracji :**
Hi, you have a beautiful blog!
OdpowiedzUsuńMaybe we can follow each other?
I just hate being ill and my bed is also my most important thing when I get ill :))
świetne rady :)oj tak, kiedy jest się chorym to nie ma na nic siły i pozostaje tylko leżeć :) pójść do szkoły w takim stanie to masakra :o
OdpowiedzUsuńmasz fajny przejrzysty szablon bloga :) tak 3maj :D
pozdrawiam ;* i w wolnej chwili zapraszam <3 - KLIK
Great tips, I always call my mom when I'm sick and ask for her opinion :)) Being ill is really a pain, I do agree with drinking a lot of water.
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